Tuesday, February 16, 2010

2/17/10 Kinkade and Beecroft

Thomas Kinkade
1. What inspires him to create art that looks like 1980's wall paper? He works with a corporate empire to spread his vision of pece and harmony throughout culture. pg20 - He is inspired by the same aesthetic that emerges from market surveys of public taste. p21 - he is a romantic idealist.
2. Does he paint what he likes or what sells? attention is directed to create distribution outlets. (The man is a marketing genius)
3. Does he paint in any other styles? no
4. What does he plan for his future in art? more of the same
5. Who are his favorite artists? n/a, it appears to be himself.

Vanessa Beecroft
1. What mediums does she use? p229 - She draws and paints but her main works are live people and only girls.
2. What is the vision behind VB 35? p224 - The "girls" display the unachievable, media-constructed standards by which legions of impressionable women regularly measure their self-esteem.
3. What does VB35 mean? this was not explained.
4. What inspires her? p224 - She plays up the good ole boys mentality towards women, obsessing on appearance, ignoring intelligence or accomplishments.
5. What other art work has she done? "Despair 1993" exhibited her diary and women off the street that looked like her.

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