Tuesday, February 9, 2010

02/08/10 Consumption Artists

Nick Cave - I love this guy. His sound suits must be seen dancing and heard in order to appreciate the whole picture. The suits standing alone do not complete the picture. His art must include performance in order to be complete.
Michael Ray Charles - is extremely talented. I liked that he draws inspiration from Greco-Roman art. I didn't consider the cultural/political messages in his art, I enjoy it because of Charles' obvious talent and subject matter. I think it is sad that someone destroyed his flag inspired work because they were so outraged by it.
Matthew Barney - Interesting, The horses wearing spandex suits and prostheses were very inspiring. I also enjoyed the iron worker series. The busted lips were strange.
Andrea Zittel - I liked her "intimate controllable situations" created in her living units. I appreciate her influence from everywhere she lived. I think its weird that she wears an outfit for four months and went through a time period of only wearing rectangles. She may need help. The island is awesome.
Mel Chin - I appreciate his transforming burned houses into worm growing farms? I mean (?) I don't get it. I think the revival field is great for the environment but not art. I liked his work with Carpets from Iran and Turkey, and software.

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