Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Final Project (Completion Notes) 5/10/10

I chose to complete a photo album of the forest fire at Morrow Mountain and to construct a weaving of plants grown in my yard.

In my photos from Morrow Mountain you can see life beginning to grow out of the ashes. I visited Morrow Mountain twice recently after the fire and found tiny yellow and pink flowers growing where absolutely all undergrowth was devastated. I was amazed that the natural mulch was missing, and even the dirt appeared to be gone, leaving only rock which was so loose that I had difficulty standing. Some of the trees had holes burned in their trunks all the way to the core, but were blooming and had green leaves in the top. One tree appeared melted.

I really enjoyed making my weaving. I have never woven before, so I turned to the internet for instruction. I used grape vines, with grapes attached, kiwi vines, tree limbs, with leaves, Ivy, buttercup and iris leaves and a discarded rotten tree limb. All this was woven into jute.

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