Monday, May 3, 2010

04/28/10 Daily Notes (The Harvey B. Gantt Center)

Wow! David C. Driskell and Michael B. Platt are wonderful artists. I am not sure which I like better, because their work is totally different, and both are intriguing.

Platt's work does have a spiritual appeal, the way he layered print over print. While I was looking at a picture of a woman dressed in white, standing in the forest, a person stood between the picture and me. For a moment I could see a bald eagle instead of the woman. Perhaps that was her spirit.
The first piece I saw, as we walked into the gallery, had a layer of Christmas lights. This picture drew me to it. I can see using his work as inspiration for my own work.

Driskell's work reminds me of when I was a child and would draw with crayons, then cover the drawing with black and scratch out a picture. I appreciate that he shows multiple copies of the same print, so you can see progression from one print to the next, as he make changes to the background or foreground.

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