Thursday, April 22, 2010

Final Project 4/22/10

I plan on my final project taking place at Morrow Mtn. State Park. Recently 50 acres in the park burned. I love black and white art, I plan to take pictures of the burned areas. I plan on taking the pictures in color. I think it will be neat to have burned out areas with a blue sky and pictures with life coming back, such as weeds.

What kind of art did I enjoy before taking this class? Before this class I enjoyed mostly 2-D art, black and white and realistic.

Has my definition of art expanded from this class? Yes, Sometimes I fail to see the art in advertising and film. I have a new appreciation for performance art, but still fail to see the art in some of it.

In class, was I successful making art that was personal or political? I feel that all of my projects were successful in portraying one or the other. My project from my childhood painted a picture of my life. The kimono that I made showed my personal view of excess. My last project, the grass hut, was built in my head for over a week prior to actually building the structure. I am continuing to improve upon it in my mind. The Tibet project definitely carried a political theme.

Did I enjoy making art that was displayed inside the classroom or outside of the classroom? I enjoy either, but building the structure was definitely a highlight to me.

What is my goal in studying art? Making art makes me happy.

What do I want to say with my art? I want to add beauty, convey a message and/or enlighten others with my art work.

Can my art make a difference to an audience member? Yes, The Tibet project definitely educated people.

Does that matter to me? I want people to like my art and appreciate it. If no one likes it, it must not be good, so yes, it matters to me.

Who am I making my art for? I am making art for me, for my satisfaction.

5/03/10 - Update, I hope to add a second part to my project. I would like to use materials from my yard to weave an art work. We'll see how it goes.

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