Sunday, April 4, 2010

Place (Environment) Project Notes

How did you feel today outside? I am very comfortable outside and like to create interesting areas outside of my home.

What caught your attention? I was interested in the plantings in the hollowed out logs.

Where are you most comfortable outside - I love to play in the woods or on the edge of the water. I like to make boats and watch them drift off.

What is your personal history with the outdoors - We spent a lot of time in the woods, playing army, making campsites, building tree houses or lean to(s).

What do you want to say? I would like to create a magical gnome house for little girls. This house would be constructed from all organic materials. I would use twigs for the structure and vines that I find in the woods and buttercup leaves to bind them. I haven't decided yet as to whether I will cover the structure with leaves. Another idea I have is to build a large bird cage that is on the ground. Children will be able to climb in and out of the cage.

Again, it depends on what you want to try to say with the work. I like the idea of caging a person in my art. Cool huh?

Comments to my ideas are welcome.

Emily and I chose a grassy area in Reedy Creek Park, where we will construct our dwelling. We like the tall grass and feel that this will make a nice covering for our twig, and vine structure. We plan on using natural vines, limbs and twigs, that we will bring with us. Buttercup leaves and vines will tie the limbs and twigs together and then time permitting, we will cover the top of the structure with the tall dead grass.

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