Monday, March 22, 2010

Free Tibet Art & Actvism (03/22/10) Critique

Emily Nielsen, Maiko Yamazaki and I researched and created an art and activism project concerning China's occupation of Tibet. Until Emily approached me concerning this issue, I had no idea that this human rights issue existed. How, in a world of instant news media, where I constantly scan MSN, Google, The Charlotte Observer online and in print, and watch the news, both local and world, could I have never heard of this issue?

Tibet is a beautiful old world country, that on the surface reminds me of the USA in it's infancy. It reminds me of the cowboys and Indians era of our country.

I had heard of the Dalai Lama, but I never knew of his role. I had never heard that this guy was trying to save his country, heritage, religion, culture, etc. I did not know about the constant struggle for basic human rights.

It's inconceivable that another country would kill one of our religious leaders. I have no doubt that if this were to happen there would be payback. In Tibet, there is no payback. China does not allow the media free communication, so most Chinese people do not know anything about the Tibet human rights issue.

Citizens of Tibet do not have any basic human rights. Children and adults can disappear at anytime. To practice their religion could mean that they will face prison, torture and/or death.

I was very impressed by the way our project was received by the Concepts students. They were very inquisitive about the Tibetan plight and showed great concern. I'm sure it opened the minds of some of my co-students as it opened mine. If I could change this project in anyway, I would use a larger venue, so more people could view it at the same time. I would keep it in a dark foreboding area, with dark walls and perhaps add more red material representing the robes of the thousands of dead monks and nuns. I would add more prayer flags, and give out fliers showing how individuals can help.

For more information on the Free Tibet movement go to

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