Sunday, March 14, 2010

3/3/10 Daily Notes - Maya Lin

Maya Lin designed the Vietnam Memorial Wall and to be honest I didn't like the concept when it was first proposed. I recall that it was to be just a wall. I thought it was a stupid idea, but I have come to see what it has meant to people through the years. Not only was my mind changed but also most of Americans changed their ideas. I have heard of many people that take paper and pencils with them so they can make rubbings of their loved one's names. I agree with Lin that it would not have the same meaning if the names were in alphabetic order versus the day the soldiers died. I also agree with her that the monument should carry the name of each soldier that died for his country in Vietnam.

I appreciate and like most of Lin's art work. The Civil Rights Memorial in Montgomery, Alabama was beautiful thoughtful and accessible to all people. People like to touch most of her art work, so it is interactive.

In the traffic approach to the Charlotte Coliseum, she planted 10 enormous holly bushes in a sinuous wave form. They were to appear to be rolling downhill, one after another, following a path suggested by small grassy banks and mounds. I never liked this art work and still think it was a waste of tax payers money. Most people didn't even know it was there.

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