Saturday, March 13, 2010

DJ Martinez & Wenda Gu 3/15/10

Daniel Joseph Martinez (p374) creator, Do You Earn Minimum Wage & I Can't Imagine Ever Wanting To Be White like to evoke discussion concerning racism, privilege and poverty, etc. He chooses to "expose insidious concentrations of social, political and economic power". Perhaps he is creating art in his Do You Earn Minimum Wage sign, but am I showing artist talent when I place a sign at the end of my street, exposing my excess of stuff, by saying "Yard Sale" hand written in magic marker on card board. He is attempting to open discussions for social change. He is successful in that respect and I appreciate his advertising approach. I suppose it is art in an advertising sort of way. He stimulates emotions and anger. In some of his works he appears to be split open and his picture is taken.

1. What is his inspiration for each of his creations?
His is influenced by his upbringing as a Chicano in a neighborhood sandwiched between an all white and an all black neighborhood. He is also inspired by all that is wrong with our country and feels the need to correct it by bringing it to light.
2. Does he hate white people?
I'm still not sure if Martinez hates white people. He sees injustice and advertises it, stands back and waits for people to react. He not only touches on race, but poverty/riches, privilege/deprivation, censure, abuse, ostracism or any other wrong that he sees.
3. Is all his art racially or economically motivated?
Yes, yes. He creates art that involves "real-life issues and propels real-life actions."

Wenda Gu (p294) Oedipus Refound, The Enigma of Blood, Temple of Heaven and Beyond Joy and Sin. Gu is so controversial that his monumental installation was violently destroyed by a Russian artist at the "Interpol" exhibition (Stockholm, 1996). His work celebrates the physical origins of life an promotes universal accord. He seeks unity through art. He is a master of classical Chinese but has purged his art of national tradition. His works promote global accord. I find the Oedipus Refound Series where he used used tampons and sanitary napkins from 60 women from various countries to be disgusting. He also used placentas and semen and blood of a virgin. In Temple of heaven he used human hair from all around the world to create his work. Impregnation Piece will be his strangest work of art yet. He will impregnate women from each continent, and those children will be art. They will have children an so on, making the Impregnation Piece eternal.
1. What are his mediums? blood (including used sanitary napkins and tampons), hair, placenta.
2. How well is Beyond Joy and Sin received? All of his work including Beyond Joy and Sin are extremely controversial.
3. Temple of Heaven, what does it say? it really doesn't say anything. It is gibberish in numerous languages. Is it really human hair? Yes, it is comprised of human hair from around the world.

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