Sunday, January 31, 2010

My Identity (First Project ) 1/27/10

One of my first memories is of the concrete steps on the side of our house. They are about seventy now, worn, and cracking, with re-bar showing through. When I was a toddler the jobke wat that I never walked down the steps, I rolled down them. Maybe I have brain damage. I remember being dressed for church, holding my little white pocketbook. It had three tear drops on it, pink, yellow and blue. I have tiny white blond pig tails. I take one step and it's a doozy. I must have gotten hurt, but I don't recall.

This concrete represents the steps I fell down so many times as a toddler, my father and my mother-in-law. I have the band-aids because I must have gotten hurt. My pocketbook and the pictures of me complete the picture.

I enjoyed this project, because it brought back memories of my childhood, my father and mother-in-law. I was able to convey my message in this project.

Monday, January 18, 2010

01/20/10 William Kentridge, Nan Goldin

William Kentridge
  1. What is the driver thinking about? Kentridge is inspired by emotional distress.
  2. Is the driver looking ahead or behind? Perhaps he is scared or jumpy looking ahead and behind. A victim. This reminds me of an Alfred Hitchcock drawing. The texture makes the driver look jittery.
  3. Why is the right side of the drawing unfinished looking? pg.156 para 4 "I am interested in a political art, that is to say an art of amibiguity, contradition uncompleted gestures and uncertain endings.
  • I think the driver appears nervous, manic
  • Kentridge is alienated from Europe, divided loyalties and duel identities
  • He is inspired by the apartheid movement
  • The patient/doctor also uses nervous texture and portrays distress.
Nan Goldin
  1. How did she decide on these sets/stories? Goldin uses her real life of drugs, sickness and relationships for her art. Goldin's sister committed suicide when Goldin was young. This impacted her negatively causing her to leave home, move from foster home to foster home, use drugs and have unhealthy relation ships.
  2. Is abuse art? I don't think so, even after reading this.
  3. How did she look a month earlier, directly after the beating? I looked on line and didn't find any pics from when she was first beaten.

Identity Project 01/18/10

Falling down concrete stairs as a small child. Dressed for church, carrying little white pocketbook. Concrete, pocketbook, band-aids, picture of me standing on stairs, dressed for church.

01/13/09 Class Notes

Bruce Nauman - I think its sad that this crapola is considered art. My husband and I built stairs beside our house using gravel and concrete blocks. I think they are beautiful with flowers on them, but I would not try to pass them off as an art exhibit.
I loved Kerry James Marshall's artwork. I would love to meet this guy and hang out with him. The sculpture that he reanimates into cartoons was awesome. His folk art style with minimum details are pleasing, no detail is needed.

Who am as a person?
What groups do I belong to? My Family, My husbands family, Coworkers, HS class, Mt. Gilead, former employers, Montreat Graduates, UNCC students, job seeking groups, friends, AAA, Harley riders, Mini Cooper owners, homeowners, VIC, cat owners, pc.

Groups that I don't fit into. Sororities, 18-22 yr olds, senior citizens, athletic groups, red hat, Parents with out partners, AARP.

Can you stop being in a group? Yes, If there are membership dues, if I move, if I die, if I'm expelled, If I don't pay my bill, If I sell my Mini or Harley, if I sell my house, if I get rid of my cats, if I sell my computers.